Tag Archives: vacation

Fourth Week in Review: New Years Resolutions

Four weeks down! Here’s my summation of my progress.

  1. Use my exercise bike every day. Used my pedal machine more than my actual bike this week but it was a good way to make productive use of my time sitting at my desk and be able to stay on top of exercising when I knew that I would have a long night on Wednesday.
  2. Use my arm weights every day. I had to do some make up in this category on Friday as after my long night at work on Wednesday and recovery on Thursday I skipped out on doing the exercises once each day. But I caught up and can still feel progress being made!
  3. Write at least two blog posts a week. It is really nice to be back into a groove with this. Now I catch myself thinking about things that I have read or seen or experienced as good topics for posts and use the week to edit my thoughts before I put them to paper.
  4. Find (and hopefully start) a new job in 2018. Haven’t heard anything back just yet on the applications I turned in but I will keep the faith! In the meantime I will keep looking around to see what else is out there. After doing some research on the midterm races this year for Congress and local government I am more convinced that volunteering in some form on a campaign would be a great learning experience as well.
  5. Say Yes and No quicker. I have a packed weekend this weekend with the dinner I mentioned last week, a baby shower, and a movie night. It feels good to have all of these opportunities to talk to folks and that Weifang will also have time to play pool since I will be out most of the day on Sunday. Plus, got my ticket for the comic convention in March so that is all set as well!
  6. Use social media more effectively. I’ve been going through all of the saved links on my Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to print out or save things that I will actually do or use rather than just always leaving things up. This way I have new recipes to try, new craft projects to make, and lots of fun ideas for when I have children.
  7. Drink more water. I am on my fourth plant! But I fell behind on Wednesday on account of staying late at work and sitting in a place with no bathroom (this goal has been a killer on my bladder!). But on the whole I have gotten better at responding right away when my app reminds me that it is time to drink.
  8. Call a/on different friend once a week. I was able to help my friend Paige vent this week when she called me over the phone so I was happy to serve as her sounding board. It was National Compliment Day this week so I let all of my friends know how much they mean to me and got lots of wonderful compliments in return. I am doing better with sending birthday cards this year so far and am happy to provide that small token on my affection. And as I mentioned above I will be seeing a lot of friends this weekend for various activities.
  9. Stay in touch, above all, with how [I] feel. As I mentioned in my gratitude post today I was happy that I ended a. subscription that ultimately was causing me more harm than good (guilt over not utilizing it properly, the money I felt I was wasting because of that, etc.). But I am very disappointed by how the person running it tried to make me feel guilty and small when the whole point of the field he is in is to help people feel good about themselves and live their best life. Thanks but no thanks dude I am glad I found this out now before I wasted more of my time. I also want to both commend myself for staying patient and vent about why I had to stay late at work this week. We were having our carpet professionally cleaned and I was more than happy to stay late to lend a hand since out elevators lock at a certain time and to make sure they had everything they needed. So that wasn’t the problem. But then, as is always the case, issues arose. The gentleman who showed up was late, he went up the staircase that he wasn’t supposed to which added time to his set up, pretended like we hadn’t told him which staircase to go up, complained hat he had only learned about the job that morning and therefore wasn’t prepared, and surprise, surprise, after two hours of hemming and hawing when he actually got down to business it only took about an hour and a half. Maybe he had been not properly informed by his boss. I don’t care. If it was me I would do my best and help the customer because it would not be his or her fault. Just be the bigger person. Needless to say that for once in my life when they sent the customer survey I actually filled it out and outlined my concerns. Hopefully if there is a next job they will do better. In the end, at least the carpets looked good so something good came out of it.
  10. Study Chinese at least four hours a week. Weifang told me that my Chinese has gotten a lot better since I started studying since by doing it on multiple platforms vocab words are sticking in my head better.
  11. Be even more intimate with my husband. Every day I look at my husband I know he is the one. The more we discuss our future and children the more I am so excited that he will always be mine. This is the mindset that I have been truly looking for to overwhelm the doubts outside forces send to me.
  12. Stick to the budget my husband and I make. We are going on vacation in a few weeks! Even with this expense by eating out less and keeping to our budget but getting rid of subscriptions and not buying too much we are on track to save over $1,000 this month. We are doing awesome!

This Week in Gratitude: Vacation Anticipation, Saying Yes, and Saying No

  1. Weifang and I have booked tickets and a hotel room for our MUCH overdue vacation in Las Vegas in a few weeks! We haven’t been on a long vacation that didn’t involve seeing friends or family (and those are both great but they aren’t really vacations) since we got married. Plus, the more research we do the more really fun things appear in a city that most people just write off as full of casinos and neon. Needless to say we are very excited!
  2. I have a packed weekend this week: Today is dinner with a good friend and her roommates, tomorrow I have a baby shower in the morning and a movie day with two friends in the afternoon. Weifang will be playing pool with one of his friends as well. The baby shower I was obviously going to go to but the other plans came up over the past week and usually I am not sure if I want to go or if Weifang wants to go or if he would mind (he never does but yay anxiety!) so I waffle and I hate it even though my friends are used to making plans last minute anyway. So it felt good to say “Yes!” and the following weekend I can just relax with my husband 🙂
  3. I got rid of a subscription to a class that I thought at the time might be worth starting but later realized I don’t have the ideas that would make it worthwhile or really the time to focus on it when I have other goals I would rather pursue (plus I could always find a different class anyway). Also, it would allow me to use the money I was spending on the subscription to use for vacations or other things I want to do with Weifang. So I was glad that I finally said no thanks and got rid of it. The only downer was that the person who was in charge of the class tried to guilt trip me into taking this off of my plate by saying we had an “agreement” (which we don’t as that’s not how class subscriptions work). So I am also glad I got rid of it since if he can’t respect my choices when I decide that something isn’t right for me right now that is not someone I want to work with anyway.