The Danger of the Three Monkeys


img_8072Everyone has seen monkeys like the one above: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. And for the most part this seems like a good set of rules to live by. After all, no one wants to be caught up in the mob mentality of harmful behavior. But what if in some sense these monkeys could also be the symbol of the other mob mentality? That of complacency and turning a blind eye to harmful behavior that needs to be checked? After all, sometimes “evil” could be defined as going against the norm and seeking to promote change that others don’t want or are too ashamed to admit to themselves has been long overdue. I am certain the current political climate is influencing my observation of what has been for most of my life a cutesy symbol. But I am okay with that since if I see evil or hear evil I want to confront it and, above all, I want to prevent myself and others from speaking evil.

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